The Lisi Lerch brand initially started with her selling Kentucky Derby hats that she was inspired to create because of the lack of affordable women’s hats in the marketplace. Fast forward a few years, she tested the waters in jewelry making and became an instant success. I love her fun merchandise so much I wanted to become a sales rep for her!! Do I have time??
It’s easy to sell stuff you LOVE and I could wear her jewels every day!!!!
I have seen Lisi’s booth at market several times, but I have never actually seen her. This July, I went to Atlanta for the July Market and we ran into each other. She’s as cute as I thought she would be! She’s fun, energetic, creative and kind!
As you might already know, I love Lilly Pulitzer, and probably wear something Lilly every day. I have the Elsa top in pink, and not just one, but five of the exact same shade of pink!! That day, I happened to be wearing it!! As we walked up to Lisi’s booth, I immediately spotted my top, and it happened to be Lisi, and we were wearing the same top!! I knew I liked her!! We immediately hit it off and connected. I purchased the Libby Cluster necklace in neon yellow and wore it right out of the booth!!

Lisi, myself and my new necklace!
We discussed numerous areas of the United States and markets where her jewelry would be well received. I told her that people stop me every time I wear Lisi Lerch jewelry and ask me where I get her creations. I believe in instant updates to your wardrobe in which her pieces are just that and more!! You can update your brand for your business and the design of your spaces as easily as updating your wardrobe. Click here and call us today for a free consultation!!
Stay fun, frolicky and frisky!
Featured: #LisiLerch #AmericasMart #LillyPulitzerElsaTop #HollyEarrings #neonyellow #KentuckyDerby