Marketing and Design With Color named the streets at Old Town Columbus, a Southern Living Inspired Community, after camellias, and planted the camellias that are the names we selected.

This is Frank Houser. If you’re like most of us, and a fan of big blooms, then you will absolutely love this camellia.

“Frank Houser” has some of the largest blooms ever seen on any camellia species! The mixture of red-rose-fuchsia on a huge bloom (can be up to 9” wide!) creates a decorative touch unlike any other.

All of the streets at Old Town Columbus are named after famous camellia varieties, and Frank Houser is known for producing some of the largest blooms of all camellias.

Stay tuned for pictures of our next camellias that are getting ready to bloom! We are excited to share with you all the varieties that we have planted throughout the Old Town community.

Can you tell us what is located at Massee Lane in Columbus, GA? If you know the answer, contact me and let me know. I will send you a freebie if your answer is correct!!

The American Camellia Society is located in Fort Valley, GA., and Massee Lane Gardens is the Historic Headquarters of the American Camellia Society.





Featured: #OldTownColumbus #SouthernLivingInspiredCommunities #FrankHouser #camellia #AmericanCamelliaSociety #MasseeLaneGardens