I found the Justin Gaffrey gallery while celebrating our anniversary at my favorite place on Earth, 30A!
I loved his persona and his style, tons of color and tons of texture. We had recently moved and I kept thinking I had just the right spot for a new piece of artwork! I sent a palette of colors to Justin in the mail and commissioned the piece you see featured on this post!!
Since then, he has grown and is well known and I am so thrilled to have one of his original pieces. I will never forget the night he arrived in my driveway and the painting was still wet. I loved it so much we hung it right away and it is stuck to the wall!! Justin uses so much glue and his paint being wet made it stick! I also commissioned his wife at the same time.
Justin is an amazing artist with a very interesting background! He worked in construction, design, and he even worked as a chef!! Justin finally decided he wanted to pursue his career as a full time artist, and to this day, he has toured all over the United States, Ireland and Russia. His work features a floral series, a coastal collection, organic works, still life and steel welded structures.
Justin is Florida’s signature acrylic and contemporary artist!
When I visited his gallery, I could not take my eyes off this painting so I had to have it! Next time you are in 30A, make sure to stop by! I am sure you will find something you will love!!
Featured: #JustinGaffrey #30A #SoWal